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What is Police Brutality?

For people around the world, they expect the police officers to work hard and prevent crimes from happening and keeping the community safe from trouble. Most of the police officers are dedicated to do just that kind of task and it can be reassuring to be living in that kind of community. You should be grateful for the police officers protecting your community and the service they provide.

You have to understand that even if you see a lot of good cops, there are always bad cops lurking, the kind that will violate rights of other citizens and ignore their duty to protect the community. If you ever fall into a bad cop situation, there are things that you need to know so that you can be prepared. You need to know that you can file a claim against the bad cops that have been trying to abuse and violate your rights, make sure you take this into court right away. The police department where they work is also a target for your claim.

You need to know that the claim can also come from another person who has seen the abusive power these cops have against you.

You can file a police brutality claim if the police officers applied too much force onto you even though you did not resist the arrest, this is a huge problem for them. This is why you should call for a police brutality lawyer that is experienced in your state. You need to look for a police brutality attorney that knows all civil rights laws.

You need to understand that law enforcement officers will have the authority to carry out their duties. They also have limits to their power, they are not the law. They get a bunch of reports and even law suits if they try to go beyond the limits of their authority and even sometimes going beyond the law just to get what they want and do what they want. When they inflict pain to the people who are not even resisting arrest is also a huge problem.

If you are interested in knowing more about police brutality and the areas wherein you can file for a legal claim, make sure you continue reading the article below.

Excessive force is one of the problems abusive cops inflict.

You need to know that the police can actually apply force in apprehending someone but when the person does not resist the arrest, the police should also minimize the force that they use to catch the person or to control him or her. For someone who is not resisting arrest, you need to know that the force inflicted should be light or close to non, it will be different for those runners. A police will use force when the person or suspect refuses to follow the request or demand of the law enforcer. The circumstance surrounding the situation will also matter.

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