3 Best Uses for Physical Therapy Patient Engagement Software

As a physical therapist, you spend much of your time interacting with patients. You develop relationships with them and help them get better. However, this is not always as simple as it sounds. Many steps go into actually treating patients and ensuring they are happy with their sessions and outcomes. The best way to handle these steps is to use physical therapy patient engagement software.

Collect patient outcomes

It is important to collect patient outcomes because they help you understand how well your patients are doing after therapy. You can use this information to improve treatments and make sure that every patient is getting the best care possible. To collect patient outcomes, make a list of questions that will help you evaluate your patients’ progress. These might include things like “Is it easier for you to bend over?”, “Have you noticed any improvement in your pain?” or “Are there …

The Four Drivers of Success When Using Physical Therapy Software

When you’re a physical therapist, you rely on an array of tools to help run your practice. There’s no shortage of software options out there for physical therapists, but finding the right one can be difficult. Some physical therapy software is designed to handle specific tasks like scheduling or billing, while others are more comprehensive in scope and include features like electronic medical records (EMR) so you can build a complete picture of your patient’s health history over time.


Electronic Medical Records are a standardized system that stores, retrieves, and displays medical information to health care providers. This type of software has become essential for managing patient care in the United States today.

An EMR is electronic version of the paper-based health record that allows patients to have their complete medical history on file at any time, from anywhere in America where you can access the internet. This helps …